

LARVI Symposium: a new chapter for Ostend

Held only once every four years, the LARVI Symposium is a big event for professionals in aquaculture, or more specifically: ‘Fish and Shellfish Larviculture’. The symposium focuses on the larval stage of development of fish, shellfish and crustaceans. Meet in Oostende took up the challenge of finding the perfect venue for the eighth edition of this symposium. After careful deliberation, De Grote Post was selected to host the next LARVI Symposium.

This edition of the LARVI Symposium will be held in Ostend. The city’s central location and outstanding accessibility for Belgian as well as international participants made Ostend an ideal choice. ‘Our laboratory already had a link with “Bluebridge, Ostend Science Park”, so it was clear from the onset that Ostend was the perfect choice.’

De Grote Post was soon chosen as the perfect venue for the symposium. ‘It is centrally located and offers ample facilities for meetings and conferences. De Grote Post is also ideal in terms of size for a symposium on this scale, with the “CultuurCafé” as an added benefit. Aside from this, there are plenty of catering establishments within walking distance, which is greatly appreciated by the participants.’

‘Preparations for the LARVI Symposium are currently in full swing, and we have nothing but praise for our collaboration with Meet in Oostende and De Grote Post. Thanks to their efficient and professional approach, we can rely on a single point of contact for all the arrangements we need to make, whether this concerns technical or organisational aspects. We value their solution-oriented approach and willingness to look for alternatives.’